Because it cannot be bought, love is the rarest commodity in the world.
How can we get it, then? Where do we get the solutions to our problems?
In Albert Camus’ last university lecture, he put it beautifully:

"I believe...that it is awakened, revived, nourished by
millions of solitary individuals whose deeds and works every day
negate frontiers and the crudest implications of history. As a result,
there shines forth fleetingly the ever threatened truth that each and
every man, on the foundations of his own sufferings and joys,
builds for them all."
The solutions have to come from each of us, the very people
who need them. We all need love, so we all must give it.
This is the drive behind my efforts. I wish to spend my life serving
the people of our world, and to continually improve the way I serve it.

☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺
My posts will be about anything and everything relating to life.
From funny to serious, a school paper to my current thoughts,
yesterday's happenings to tomorrow's hopes, all sorts of reads.
I encourage you to come often!

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Music Moves In Mysterious Ways
Inspirational Music & Lyrics

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Blagojevich Allowed To Go Ice Fishing

My new haircut feels great. I got up at 7 this morning to go visit Mrs. Thorp. I'm keeping it long for the winter, the first time I have ever gone in to see her and kept it long. She was happy; she likes it long.

On the way home I was listening to the Awake With Jake show on WCPT - Chicago's Progressive Talk. A guest was referring to a past case in which a government official facing indictment was allowed to reach into his frozen campaign funds in order to pay for his lawyer. This guest also said that Mr. Blagojevich is being allowed the same privilege.

Now, regardless of what, when, and how he did anything, doesn't this seem a little unfair? Apparantly this is allowed under the 6th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The amendment guarantees counsel for the defense of the accused. That is great; everybody should have that; I agree. But why is he allowed to delve into normally frozen funds in order to pay for a fancy lawyer? Shouldn't he be appointed an attorney like anybody else? Why does he get to dig into his frozen assets? This seems like yet another privilege that a rich person with power in America gets to create and enjoy.

What do you think is fair in this situation?

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roentare said...

You have an interesting blog and interesting writing here

You just reminded me to have a hair cut

Timmy said...

Haha I'm glad to have been of service!