Inspired by "This Is Why All Your Goals Are Bad For You" by Penelope Trunk.
"Start leading a conscious life" is key. I think the most important part of this post is Take action where your passion lives. However, what seems to be necessary to do that is to figure out what your passion(s) is(are). And what seems necessary to do that is to figure out what you enjoy doing as well as what is worth being passionate about. There are many, many things that we enjoy doing, but we unfortunately seem to enjoy entertaining ourselves the most. I think it is safe to say that the vast majority of the American population becomes passionate about goals that aim to allow them to entertain themselves and their family more.
Some good clean fun and relaxation is certainly imperative, and the amount of time needed is different for everybody. However, there has to be a cap on it, and leading one's life with that goal being the biggest is not very healthy. In fact that goal should be one of the smaller ones, if not the smallest.
I have "seem" in italics because in reality, entertaining ourselves has its uses, but it certainly doesn't do the job like maybe loving others or receiving love from others. What would be totally great would be to combine goals you are passionate about WITH goals to lift others up and help them reach their goals as well. In fact, over time I think we would find that the goals would not only merge smoothly, but they would begin to take on characteristics that don't reflect so much of the first set of goals. After all, doesn't helping other help us much more overall?
Related posts: "What the world needs now is love...", How Much Is Enough?

Some good clean fun and relaxation is certainly imperative, and the amount of time needed is different for everybody. However, there has to be a cap on it, and leading one's life with that goal being the biggest is not very healthy. In fact that goal should be one of the smaller ones, if not the smallest.
I have "seem" in italics because in reality, entertaining ourselves has its uses, but it certainly doesn't do the job like maybe loving others or receiving love from others. What would be totally great would be to combine goals you are passionate about WITH goals to lift others up and help them reach their goals as well. In fact, over time I think we would find that the goals would not only merge smoothly, but they would begin to take on characteristics that don't reflect so much of the first set of goals. After all, doesn't helping other help us much more overall?
Related posts: "What the world needs now is love...", How Much Is Enough?
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