Now, I'm not a fan at all of Zodiac horoscopes, silly MySpace bulletins, or chain mail that tell you that you are exactly the same as everybody who has the same color eyes, birth month, favorite color, or car as you do. However, TypeAlyzer.com bases their analysis on what YOU have written on your blog. They have pre-written descriptions. Nevertheless, the description they shot back to me was strangely accurate:
They often prefer working quietly, behind the scene as a part of a team. They tend to value their friends and family
The slash-throughs represent what I don't quit e agree with. I am a friend of many words. The problem is that I don't brainstorm before I post on here. I should, but I don't. I get an idea and I get so excited that I just want to write it and post it. The problem is I often forget to write down many, many things, or as I am writing I think of more and more and I can't organize it enough to stick them all in. It's a bad habit, especially for a future English teacher lol. I'll work on it.
I wouldn't say that I carry the world's "worries" on my shoulders, because I don't like the word "worry". Worrying says that you are irrational. If I was "worrying" about something, that would mean that I see a problem and want to fix it, but cannot see what I can do about it. The rational thing to do would be to try and figure out just what I can do. If I find that I indeed cannot do a thing about it, at least at this particular point in time, then I would stop fussing over it. I would not forget about it, but worrying will only waste time and energy and frustrate the worrier. Chances are, though, that if a worrier stops and thinks about what a possible solution is, they will be able to do at least something about it. They, alone, may not be able to solve the problem, but then most important problems are not solved by a single one of us.
Finally, I slashed "above what they do for a living". Now, I DO agree with it, but I felt that it needed further explanation. I plan on leading a very meaningful career. I won't begin influencing and being influenced once I get clock out, and why should I? Now, I know that many people are not so quite as free to be so picky. I only wish that those "in power"(we are really in power) wouldn't create the illusion that we have to find work, any work or we'll die. I wish they would quit exploiting us, but then, I also wish that the masses would quit allowing themselves to be exploited. If it came down to it, though, any one person is more important to me than a job, or food, or clothing, or shelter.
About the image: The phrase at the bottom of it says a great deal: "Live and then give". It would be even better, though, if it was "Give and then give". It is absolutely wonderful if you are an organ donor. I am one, too. It is not, however, enough. It would seem odd to me if a person live in total disregard for those around him, but chose to donate his organs once he or she died. While we are living, we can also give to the living. While we are living we can save lives with our living words and actions. Once we are dead, then we can save lives with our dead-person words and actions(quotes, memories, pictures & organs).
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Does your online life reflect your real physical and mental self? If no, what are you going to do about it? If yes, does your real physical and mental self reflect truth? Do you save lives?
This is a topic that is close to my heart... Take care!
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